Thursday, July 17, 2014

Deathrun Manager

Deathrun Manager
By xPaw

Logo by Kryzu

.: Description :.

Deathrun Manager for cs and cz, well you cant play deathrun in other games 

This plugin manages your deathrun server by doing the following things:
Will automatically transfer one RANDOM person from the Counter-Terrorists team over to the Terrorists
Will turn off/on radio commands (with cvar)
Will turn off/on spraying (for those noobs who use spray on breakables)
Will restart round if no terrorist detected
Will check every 15 secs & on player disconnect (if a Terrorist disconnects then will restart round)
Will remove players weapons on new round.

Life System
You will gain one life point when you will kill enemy, This life point will be spend when you die.
.: Cvars :.
1 = on || 0 = off >

Turn on/off the plugin
deathrun_toggle 1/0 <default: 1>

Turn on/off the spray blocker
deathrun_spray 1/0 <default: 1>

Turn on/off the radio commands blocker
deathrun_radio 1/0 <default: 1>

Turn on/off giving USP for CT's
deathrun_giveusp 1/0 <default: 1>

Turn on/off removing buyzone
deathrun_removebz 1/0 <default: 1>

Turn on/off remove money and timer from hud
deathrun_hidehud 1/0 <default: 1>

Turn on/off blocking money, if yes, player always will have 0$
deathrun_blockmoney 1/0 <default: 1>

Block or enable 'kill' command for CTs (1 - blocked, 0 - enabled)
deathrun_blockkill 1/0 <default: 1>

Turn on/off the semiclip
deathrun_semiclip 1/0 <default: 1>

Turn on/off the life system, if set to 2, terrorist for winning team will get also 1 life point.
deathrun_lifesystem 2/1/0 <default: 1>

If 1 then gamename will be changed to 'Deathrun v3.0'
deathrun_gamename 1/0 <default: 1>

Turn on/off block no fall damage for terrorists
deathrun_terrnfd 1/0 <default: 1>
.: What included in my DRM? :.
  • Semiclip by danielkza
  • Remove BuyZones by VEN
  • Game NameChanger
  • Spray Blocker
  • Radio Commands Blocker
  • No Roundtimer & Money in HUD

.: Credits :.

  • Grim - Original code
  • coderiz - His tp fix plugin, used it for trigger_hurt.
  • danielkza - The Semiclip code
  • TeddyDesTodes - Original Life System idea.

.: Recommended Plugins :.

.: Changing Messages prefixes :.

The standart prefix for chat messages is [Deathrun], but you can change it. Line 23. Change [Deathrun] to what you want 
PHP Code:
// Messages prefixnew const g_szPrefix[ ] = "[Deathrun]";  
And recompile the plugin !
.: Changing Fake Player's Name :.
Line 20: Change DRM Fake Player to what you want 
PHP Code:
// Bot namenew const g_szBotName[ ] = "DRM Fake Player";  
And recompile the plugin !
.: Removing Fake Player :.
You simply need to comment line 17.
PHP Code:
#define FAKE_PLAYER  
PHP Code:
// #define FAKE_PLAYER  
And recompile the plugin, if you removed fakeplayer, do not complain about timeleft resets !!
Attached Files
File Type: smaGet Plugin or Get Source (DeathrunManager.sma - 67585 views - 21.3 KB)
File Type: txtdeathrun.txt (13.7 KB, 32575 views)
File Type: smaGet Plugin or Get Source (DRM_trigger_hurt_fix.sma - 49612 views - 1.6 KB)

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