/** Array:AStar(Float:Start[3], Float:Goal[3], StepSize = 30, Ignore = IGNORE_MONSTERS, IgnoreID = 0, GroundDistance = 35, Heuristic = 50);
* Finds a path between Start and Goal.
* Parameters:
* Float:Start[3]
* Starting position.
* Float:Goal[3]
* Hopefully the end position.
* (Optional) StepSize = 30
* Defines how far between each step to take in a pattern of -X + X in all three dimensions. This means that diagonally, the step will be longer.
* (Optional) Ignore = IGNORE_MONSTERS
* Flags for the traceline check.
* (Optional) IgnoreID = 0
* id of the calling player if IGNORE_MONSTERS is not set. Again, this is for the traceline.
* (Optional) GroundDistance = 35
* Set the maximum distance from the ground for the point to be accepted as valid. If set to 0 this check is disabled, meaning pathfinding for flying entities.
* (Optional) Heuristic = 50
* Optimization parameter. Decides how much importance the distance from the target has.
* Higher values might result in a faster execution but may also result in a suboptimal path.
* Returns a handle to a dynamic array that will contain each step between start and goal.
* On failure it will return Invalid_Array.
native Array:AStar(Float:Start[3], Float:Goal[3], StepSize = 30, Ignore = IGNORE_MONSTERS, IgnoreID = 0, GroundDistance = 35, Heuristic = 50, ...);
/** AStarThreaded(Float:Start[3], Float:Goal[3], Handler[], StepSize = 30, Ignore = IGNORE_MONSTERS, IgnoreID = 0, GroundDistance = 35, Heuristic = 50);
* Finds a path between Start and Goal.
* Parameters:
* Float:Start[3]
* Starting position.
* Float:Goal[3]
* Hopefully the end position.
* Handler[]
* The function that will be called once the pathfinding is done.
* The format of the handler function should be as such:
* public PathDone(Index, Array:hPath, Float:Distance, NodesAdded, NodesValidated, NodesCleared)
* (Optional) StepSize = 30
* Defines how far between each step to take in a pattern of -X + X in all three dimensions. This means that diagonally, the step will be longer.
* (Optional) Ignore = IGNORE_MONSTERS
* Flags for the traceline check.
* (Optional) IgnoreID = 0
* id of the calling player if IGNORE_MONSTERS is not set. Again, this is for the traceline.
* (Optional) GroundDistance = 35
* Set the maximum distance from the ground for the point to be accepted as valid. If set to 0 this check is disabled, meaning pathfinding for flying entities.
* (Optional) Heuristic = 50
* Optimization parameter. Decides how much importance the distance from the target has.
* Higher values might result in a faster execution but may also result in a suboptimal path.
* Returns a que index that can be used in the handler to identify which path is complete.
* On failure it will return -1.
native AStarThreaded(Float:Start[3], Float:Goal[3], Handler[], StepSize = 30, Ignore = IGNORE_MONSTERS, IgnoreID = 0, GroundDistance = 35, Heuristic = 50, ...);
// The following functions are only used with the AStar() function, not AStarThreaded().
* AStar_GetDistance()
* Returns the distance of the last non-threaded path.
native Float:AStar_GetDistance();
* AStar_GetNodesAdded()
* Returns the ammount of nodes that were created from the last non-threaded path.
native AStar_GetNodesAdded();
* AStar_GetNodesValidated()
* Returns the ammount of nodes that were validated from the last non-threaded path.
native AStar_GetNodesValidated();
* AStar_GetNodesValidated()
* Returns the ammount of nodes that were cleared from the last non-threaded path.
native AStar_GetNodesCleared();
#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <astar>
#include <xs>
new hTimer = TimerStart();
// ...
server_print("Timer: %d days, %d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds and %d milliseconds.", TimerDays(hTimer), TimerHours(hTimer), TimerMinutes(hTimer), TimerSeconds(hTimer), TimerMilliseconds(hTimer));
#define TimerStart() tickcount()
#define TimerMid(%0) ( tickcount() - %0 )
#define TimerStop(%0) ( %0 = tickcount() - %0 )
#define TimerDays(%0) ( %0 / 86400000 )
#define TimerHours(%0) ( %0 % 86400000 / 3600000 )
#define TimerMinutes(%0) ( %0 % 3600000 / 60000 )
#define TimerSeconds(%0) ( %0 % 60000 / 1000 )
#define TimerMilliseconds(%0) ( %0 % 1000 )
#define RGB(%0,%1,%2) ( ( ( %0 & 255 ) << 16 ) | ( ( %1 & 255 ) << 8 ) | ( %2 & 255 ) )
new Float:gPos[2][3];
new gLastStep[11][3];
new Array:gPath[11];
new gTimer[10];
new Colors[] = {
RGB(0, 0, 255),
RGB(0, 255, 0),
RGB(0, 255, 255),
RGB(255, 0, 0),
RGB(255, 0, 255),
RGB(255, 255, 0),
RGB(255, 255, 255)
public plugin_init() {
register_plugin("A* Sample code", "2.0", "[ --{-@ ]");
register_clcmd("astar_run", "run");
register_clcmd("astar_run2", "run2");
register_clcmd("astar_pos1", "pos1");
register_clcmd("astar_pos2", "pos2");
new g_sprite;
public plugin_precache()
g_sprite = precache_model("sprites/laserbeam.spr")
stock beam(origin1[3], origin2[3], Float:seconds, rgb) {
write_coord(origin1[0]) // start position
write_coord(origin2[0]) // end position
write_short(g_sprite) // sprite index
write_byte(0) // starting frame
write_byte(10) // frame rate in 0.1's
write_byte(floatround(seconds*10)) // life in 0.1's
write_byte(10) // line width in 0.1's
write_byte(1) // noise amplitude in 0.01's
write_byte(( rgb >> 16 ) & 255) // Red
write_byte(( rgb >> 8 ) & 255) // Green
write_byte(rgb & 255) // Blue
write_byte(127) // brightness
write_byte(10) // scroll speed in 0.1's
public pos1(id)
SavePos(id, 0);
public pos2(id)
SavePos(id, 1);
SavePos(id, pos) {
new Float:Origin[3];
new Float:End[3];
new hTrace;
pev(id, pev_origin, Origin);
xs_vec_copy(Origin, End);
End[2] -= 1000
engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, Origin, End, IGNORE_MONSTERS, id, hTrace);
get_tr2(hTrace, TR_vecEndPos, Origin);
Origin[2] += 10;
xs_vec_copy(Origin, gPos[pos]);
public run(id) {
client_print(0, print_chat, "Start: %.0f, %.0f, %.0f. End: %.0f, %.0f, %.0f. Distance: %.0f units.", gPos[0][0], gPos[0][1], gPos[0][2], gPos[1][0], gPos[1][1], gPos[1][2], get_distance_f(gPos[0], gPos[1]));
new Index = AStarThreaded(gPos[0], gPos[1], "PathDone", 30, IGNORE_MONSTERS, id, 35, 50);
if ( Index == -1 ) {
client_print(id, print_chat, "All pathfinding slots are busy.")
gTimer[Index] = TimerStart();
public run2(id) {
client_print(0, print_chat, "Start: %.0f, %.0f, %.0f. End: %.0f, %.0f, %.0f. Distance: %.0f units.", gPos[0][0], gPos[0][1], gPos[0][2], gPos[1][0], gPos[1][1], gPos[1][2], get_distance_f(gPos[0], gPos[1]));
new hTimer = TimerStart();
new Array:hPath = AStar(gPos[0], gPos[1], 30, IGNORE_MONSTERS, id, 35, 50);
new Timer[32];
TimerFormat(hTimer, Timer, charsmax(Timer), 2);
client_print(0, print_chat, "Execution time: %s (%d nodes, %d validated, %d successful)", Timer, AStar_GetNodesAdded(), AStar_GetNodesValidated(), AStar_GetNodesCleared());
if ( hPath == Invalid_Array ) {
client_print(0, print_chat, "Pathfinding failed.");
client_print(0, print_chat, "Distance of path: %.0f units, %d steps.", AStar_GetDistance(), ArraySize(hPath) - 1);
if ( gPath[10] != Invalid_Array )
if ( task_exists(10) )
arrayset(gLastStep[10], 0, sizeof gLastStep[]);
gPath[10] = hPath;
set_task(0.2, "ShowPath", 10, . flags = "a", . repeat = ArraySize(hPath));
public PathDone(Index, Array:hPath, Float:Distance, NodesAdded, NodesValidated, NodesCleared) {
new Timer[32];
TimerFormat(gTimer[Index], Timer, charsmax(Timer), 2);
client_print(0, print_chat, "Execution time: %s (%d nodes, %d validated, %d successful)", Timer, NodesAdded, NodesValidated, NodesCleared);
if ( hPath == Invalid_Array ) {
client_print(0, print_chat, "Pathfinding failed.");
client_print(0, print_chat, "Distance of path: %.0f units, %d steps.", Distance, ArraySize(hPath) - 1);
if ( gPath[Index] != Invalid_Array )
if ( task_exists(Index) )
arrayset(gLastStep[Index], 0, sizeof gLastStep[]);
gPath[Index] = hPath;
set_task(0.2, "ShowPath", Index, . flags = "a", . repeat = ArraySize(hPath));
public ShowPath(Index) {
static curStep[3];
ArrayGetArray(gPath[Index], 0, curStep);
ArrayDeleteItem(gPath[Index], 0);
if ( gLastStep[Index][0] && gLastStep[Index][1] && gLastStep[Index][2] )
beam(gLastStep[Index], curStep, 4.0, Colors[Index % sizeof Colors]);
gLastStep[Index][0] = curStep[0];
gLastStep[Index][1] = curStep[1];
gLastStep[Index][2] = curStep[2];
/* TimerFormat(hTimer, output[], maxlen, mode = 1, bool:full = 0)
* Formats the result of a timer handle into a string.
* Parameters:
* hTimer
* Timer Handle
* output[]
* The output string
* maxlen
* Maximum size of the output string
* mode
* 1: 00:00:00:00.000
* 2: 0d 0h 0m 0s 0ms
* bool:full
* If full is set to true it will print all fields, even those which contains no value.
* If full is set to false and mode is set to 1, it will print the first field that contains a value and everything after that point. For example: 03:00:00.295
* If full is set to false and mode is set to 2, it will print only the fields that contains a value. For example: 3h 295ms
stock TimerFormat(hTimer, output[], maxlen, mode = 1, bool:full = false) {
new len, bool:started;
if ( full || TimerDays(hTimer) ) {
if ( mode == 1 )
len = formatex(output, maxlen, "%02d:", TimerDays(hTimer));
len = formatex(output, maxlen, "%dd ", TimerDays(hTimer));
started = true;
if ( full || ( started && mode == 1 ) || TimerHours(hTimer) ) {
if ( mode == 1 )
len += formatex(output[len], maxlen - len, "%02d:", TimerHours(hTimer));
len += formatex(output[len], maxlen - len, "%dh ", TimerHours(hTimer));
started = true;
if ( full || ( started && mode == 1 ) || TimerMinutes(hTimer) ) {
if ( mode == 1 )
len += formatex(output[len], maxlen - len, "%02d:", TimerMinutes(hTimer));
len += formatex(output[len], maxlen - len, "%dm ", TimerMinutes(hTimer));
started = true;
if ( full || ( started && mode == 1 ) || TimerSeconds(hTimer) ) {
if ( mode == 1 )
len += formatex(output[len], maxlen - len, "%02d.", TimerSeconds(hTimer));
len += formatex(output[len], maxlen - len, "%ds ", TimerSeconds(hTimer));
started = true;
if ( full || ( started && mode == 1 ) || TimerMilliseconds(hTimer) ) {
if ( mode == 1 )
len += formatex(output[len], maxlen - len, "%03d", TimerMilliseconds(hTimer));
len += formatex(output[len], maxlen - len, "%dms", TimerMilliseconds(hTimer));