Thursday, November 20, 2014

Counter-Strike: Black November 5.0

Title: Counter-Strike: Black November 5.0 
Game Genre: MMO Action (Tactical / Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person / TC / MOD 
Author: Rascita "GIIost" Oleg 
Test: Nathan "Black_SunDay" Rossovsky 
Publication Type: Informal, modification 
Language English 
Language: English 
Tablet: enclosing 
Release Date: January, 2012 
Last impl: Remake On The MW3 (May, 2011) Description: Counter-Strike (abbr. - CS; translated from the English. "Counterstrike") - a cult series computer games in the genre of team first-person shooter based on the engine GoldSource, originally appeared as a modification of the game Half-Life. The basic idea of the game - a confrontation between two teams - the terrorists (Terrorist team, T) and Special Forces (Counter-Terrorist team, CT). Each player at the entrance to the game chooses a team for which he wants to play, or an opportunity to be an observer - Spectator - if provided by the game server settings. The goal - to do the job card or destroy the enemy.Quest and murdered opponents of the player gets the money that can be spent on buying arms, ammunition and equipment. (The losing team also gets money, but much smaller) Black November (Engl. Black November - Black November) - land forces, air force and navy, designed to address the special combat missions, including the secret, which can not be used in conventional military units. At this point in the unit "Black November" includes 4 international special forces, namely the Russian Cpetsnaz, British SAS, Korean 707, German GHA-9. System requirements: Operating system: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista Processor: 1.1 MHz RAM: 256 MB Video Card: 128 MB Sound: Sound card Input Devices: Keyboard, mysch Hard Drive: 1.09 GB free hard disk space game online: 128 kbit / s Optimum resolution: 1024 x 768 Correct Installation: 1.Zapustit BN 5.0.exe 2.Install, select the area to save the folder. 3. In the game directory, locate the folder Fonts, Fonts and its contents are copied and moved to: Start - PU - Fonts. 4.Igrat. 5.Seriyny key: AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA

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